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[Recap] How to Create Opportunities in Hong Kong

Applause to Gilbert Joa, our speaker on the topic "How to Create Opportunities in Hong Kong" last Wednesday. We had a cozy setting for the talk last week where everyone could speak up to exchange ideas.

As Gilbert recommended, Hong Kong is a place of high efficiency in terms of communications and transportation (and *good food*). Despite many challenges like any other metropolitans in the world, Hong Kong possesses incomparable advantage as a springboard to Mainland China as well as APAC region.

Holiday Party (Dec 10)

Last but not least, please save the date for our Holiday Party on Dec 10 afternoon at HKETO Building! The registration details will be announced very soon :)


115 E 54th St, Fifth Floor
New York, NY 10022, USA


(646) 770-1676

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